Blueberry and Clotted Cream Shortbread Tarts

Something about the term superfood really grates me.  I mean I've never imagined a blueberry in a cape or an avocado ridding the world of all tyranny. Sure, I believe in the power of consuming foods that are nutritionally good for us, but this talk of foods we must be consuming (and buying at a premium) to rid ourselves from potential ailment and disease doesn't sit well with me. I do believe there is a relationship, if not direct correlation, between diet and health (physical and mental) and we shouldn't sneer at sound advice. The term superfood (as used in marketing terms) is just used as leverage by the supermarkets and suppliers to charge an exorbitant amount for something that was 50% cheaper last year and it's my belief that this isn't sound advice.

Okay, so this is clearly fuelled by demand and supply, but this illusory demand has been created by the media and their shit-mongers. I'm here to give you a piece of really good advice. You don't need to spend £10 on goji berries or have a shot of aloe vera before breakfast. No, what you need in your life is...brace might have heard this's...balance! Oh how simple was that? Eat your greens, don't fry everything, switch to using rapeseed (canola) oil, make sure you get some fibre, drink plenty of water and exercise once in a while. There's also no problem in treating yourself every now and then so don't feel bad about it. To both completely remove the shackles of faux-nutritionists and parody the superfood ideal, I've used blueberries in my version of a shortbread tart (and topped them with clotted cream). You could alternatively make biscuits out of this recipe by rolling the dough and baking it on a flat tray. Either way I hope you enjoy this. Bon appetit!

150g plain flour
25g rice flour
50g sugar
100g good quality butter
100g of blueberry jam
50g of clotted cream
a few blueberries to decorate

Mix the two flours, the sugar and the butter in a bowl by hand. You want to form the ingredients into a dough that just about sticks together (hence the term short). If it's not quite right you can use a splash of water or milk to get it there. Refrigerate the dough for half an hour before diving into equal sized balls. Grease a muffin tin and place one ball in each mould (should make about 12) before pressing down in the centre and working to the sides of the muffin tin (so you have a hollow muffin base shape out of the dough). Bake until golden at 180-200C making sure to prick the bases with a fork every 3 or so minutes to stop the dough from expanding. Cool on a wire rack before filling each shortbread base with a tablespoon of super-duper blueberry jam and a teaspoon of clotted cream. You could use any other kind of jam if you aren't convinced by the muscles of the humble blueberry - I think apricot is pretty damn delicious. Make yourself a pot of tea and have some fun.


28 August 2009 at 15:59 Phoo-D said...

These look and sound delicious! Clotted cream is a wonderful treat that I can't find very often in the U.S. Love the shortbread cups- great idea!

29 August 2009 at 12:08 Anonymous said...

Blueberries and clotted cream? Hmm sounds interesting, would never have put them together. I'm more old school like strawberzzzzzz and stuff.

2 September 2009 at 23:42 M. A. Salha said...

I love clotted cream. I was going to make this with honey but it definitely needed fruit to lift it. The shortbread cups are hard to keep even and flat but I thought it was worth it in the end. Needs a few adjustments. Maybe you could try making clotted cream at home? that's a challenge if I ever saw one.

24 August 2014 at 02:18 Unknown said...

Making clotted cream at home is easy but time consuming. I poured 4 cups of 35% cream into a shallow rectangular glass baking dish and put it into a 180 degree oven for 10 hours. Once it cooled on the counter for about 90 minutes I popped it in the fridge overnight. This morning I scooped off the lovely thick cream and put it in a mason jar - I ended up with about 2 cups worth. The leftover cream I put in another mason jar and will use it for baking.

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